+357 25 3136 91

The Falcon School

Educational level
Primary, Secondary
Strovolos, Nicosia
Language of Instruction
Same - strictly follows the existing public school curriculum.
Similar - 2/3 of the major subjects follow those in the public schools.
Different - does not belong to any of the categories mentioned above.
1, Nikou Iereidi
School description

Founded in 1976, The Falcon School in Nicosia is an esteemed educational foundation that offers continuous education for students ranging from 3 years and eight months to 18 years old. The school provides an active, inquiring learning environment with extensive facilities for studying languages, the Sciences, the Arts, music, and a diverse range of sports.

As part of a multicultural and multiracial school community, Falcon students and teachers are encouraged to be critical thinkers and lifelong learners. They are trained to adapt and collaborate effectively, addressing the social and technological challenges of the contemporary world. The primary language of instruction at The Falcon School is English.

The Falcon School Primary Department is a close-knit community of small classes that aims to provide a good education and personal development. The Ministry of Education treats the curriculum as different. The curriculum provides students with a well-rounded education that includes, apart from the standard, citizenship and dance and drama classes and a variety of activities. These activities comprise educational visits, sports, music, and drama productions, and the opportunity to attend summer school.